Friday, July 09, 2010

I love off days

Technically, it’s not an OIL (Off in Lieu).

I applied annual leave for today, for me to rest and rejuvenate.

What i really wanted to do are the following:
- Go for body/leg massage
- Visit the Kate Spade store, and determine which wristlet i should get.
- Go for a run/swim

Apparently, there are some things that i’ve yet to do.

What i’ve done, up till 2pm today:
- Walked around my neighborhood, looking for a place to do body massage. But i couldn’t find any Thai Massage place, nor a place where there are female masseurs.
- Slept till about 10am (i slept 8 hours *claps*
- Bought myself some stuff, from the shops near to West Coast Market.

Good buy, best buy, MUST BUY!

This is a great buy!

Best part is, i don’t need to travel to HongKong to get this.

It’s unique and classy. It can be carried in 2 ways
a) The tai-tai way
b) The normal way.

I truly believe that there are gems of good buys around us, esp from the neighborhood that we live in. We just need to be a bit detailed to look for them.

Have you started to look for the gems in your neighborhood? =)

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