It was just a thought to meet up with Mich over breakfast on National Day morning….. At MacDonald’s. From a simple thought of having brekkie at Clementi Mac evolve to a 24-hr Mac that i’ve never been before. And boy oh boy, it was great, that i come into contact with Nature once again.
Seriously, when Mich said that there’s such a place called RIDOUT TEA GARDEN, all in my my 29 years and 11 months old, i’ve never heard about such a place!! I mean, i know that there’s a Mac there, but never knew how to get there.
Our adventure started with taking bus 105 from Clementi Interchange where we stopped at Queensway (the road, not the shopping centre), and after some walking and crossing of an overhead bridge, we reached the always-crowded Mac.
Photo Credit: Michelle
I don’t remember what i ate, but it consisted of a Big Breakfast meal plus 2 hotcakes. And the natural surroundings made the breakfast more yummy!
There’s a small pond which have some fauna living in it.
Turtles …. Terrapins???
They certain enjoy life sunbathing in the Sunny morning sun!
There are some structures like this right behind Macs. And it’s so charming, despite being in the hot sun.
I feel like lazing inside the hut with a good book and some wind blowing in my hair.
Right behind Mac is Far East Flora. And it’s just natural for us to walk in to explore this place further.
One of the first plants that greeted me was the Brinjal plant. Never knew they could grow out of a pot.
This is an Orchid plant that grew on soil. Doesn’t look like one.
Purple Orchids. Just right, for our Nation’s birthday. =)
I like the way this flower is glowing. And its name describes it all :Gloxinia
My science teacher will be proud that i can still recognize this as the Venus Flytrap. It doesn’t look as scary as the ones we see in our science Textbook….
Besides all these, there are other floras that we saw.
Parsley plant. Might be a good investment if u are into Italian pasta cooking.
Nerve Plant. I thought it’s quite nice :)
There are many other plants that we saw and snapped, and i’ve uploaded them here.
There’s one particular one that i like it much more than the others.
Do u see a ‘person’ that’s doing something like ‘YAY’?
I liked it so much, i paid $4 and took it home. Hehehe.
Rid Out Tea Garden is a good place to find some peace and quiet in the midst of some unhealthy breakfast. I never thought that going for breakfast would lead me to find such a haven where i get to experience nature and coming into contact with floras once again. I was so mersmerized by the many flowers there that i thought that i’m going 花痴. Hehehe.
It has also rekindled my passion to grow plants in my room. I hope my Crassula will survive at least for the next 6 months. =)
If you are interested to bask yourself in nature with Mac Breakfast somewhere Central-West of Singapore, you can consider RID OUT TEA GARDEN.
Address: 580 Queensway, Singapore 149066
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