Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Nike City 10k Race Result

Ok everyone, i’m pleased to announce that there has been a good improvement from my previous race. This is the latest updated result for my Nike City 10k race. This is the most correct chip timing.

1 Hour, 33 Mins, 13 Secs

I dunno if it’s due to the weather, or the timing of the race or because i made myself sleep early the night before, or am too excited about it. But an improvement’s a good thing.

As compared to my previous race (PAssion Run), i’ve improved 6 mins!

I will continue to do my best, train the best that i know how. And hope to see greater improvements in my running time.

Next up, Standchart Marathon on 05/12/2010.

The race route is out already, and it’s an interactive video. Exciting days coming up!!

And yes, i needa map my run. So getting a Nike+ Sensor is on the cards for me. So that i can improve my speed and maximize the application on my ipod.

6 weeks to go! 加油!!


Steven said...

This is a cool blog. And your faith is a very beautiful thing. I do have a question, (if u don't mind...) Was the run for charity or like a self improvement/healthy living thing?

Jenna Cherylen said...

Hi there! It's for healthy living, as well as wanting to run more.