Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Have you heard of the GOLDEN OREO?

It arrived onto our Singapore shores about 1 month ago.  And apparently, it hasn’t hit onto our Dark color-and-cream/blueberry icecream/Double peanut and chocolate filling fans as yet.

I present to you…. The GOLDEN OREO!!

I started noticing it in the stores a few weeks ago,. Usually, new things attracts my attention. And strangely, i hasn’t even seen any commercials about it on TV as yet. The last OREO commercial i remembered was the one with the blueberry ice-cream filling. And nope, i hasn’t tried that.

I was walking inside a shop yesterday, trying to fill my hunger and not wanting to snack on the delicious-and-u-better-run-5km-in-repentance potato chips. Then then i saw the Golden Oreo in a pack, together with the rest of its kind, oreos.

And there it was, a perfect Golden Oreo.

Now, u know the original OREO comes with a dark-colored base (i think it’s chocolate), with a cream filling. I grew up eating that. As time goes by (and people age and taste changes), i realized that i am not into chocolate, and/or Oreo. 

So when i saw a GOLDEN oreo, i just gotta buy one and taste it for myself.

Now, it’s supposingly VANILLA, and the cream filling seem to be the same as the original one. WAIT! Do i taste….. Maple???? =)

It’s so different from the original one.  I like it!

I took it to office today, and surprisingly, NOT A SINGLE ONE KNEW ABOUT THE GOLDEN OREO! But a colleague who sampled it find it really nice and not as ‘harsh’ as the original one.

And seriously, why did GOLDEN OREO take so long to come here??? It was already in Thailand, France and many other places. Well, never late than never. =)

Found a Golden OREO commercial, which is kinda interesting. Watch below.

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