Wednesday, April 11, 2007


It's been a few days since i've last updated. Well, with that transition to new hair, er hem, i got myself some more new stuff. But firstly, let me update on the changes to the blog wef today.

1) Decision to change my blogskin

2) Choosing of my blogskins
a) The themes
b) What kind
c) Deciding on the blogskin

3) Downloading the textfile for the blogskin
a) Fill in the 'blanks'
b) Try not to miss out on the codings which a current html idiot (me) can really delete
c) Finalizing on the input

4) Inserting the codes into blogger template

5) Any Other Business
a) Adding of pictures, slide-shows
b) Changes required before final publishing

6) Publishing of blog entries with new blogskin - Target to completion by 22th April.

I am currently at stage 3C. Have added in what i want to inpute. But whether if i deleted anything, i need to refer to my consultant, Ms C. But as html is quite idiot proof to me, i need to do it slowly. I won't totally say that i'm really going to stage 4 until 3C is really completed. I usually will want to change my content a little bit and then finalize it before i go to stage 4. But it's tentatively confirmed. Not too much things.... just a bit complicated.

New purchases
I'VE EXPLODED............ that was what i've really felt. Because it's been a long while that i can just get the things that i've wanted. And i can really spend, freely. It's out of necessity, not out of just wanting to spend money. I think since August 2006, i've been really tight on finances (i don't want to dwell on that anymore), and have to think very hard on what i can buy and what i cannot buy, and what i MUST buy it out of necessity and what can wait until i have the money. of Necessity
- Bags (Depends on how cheap it is, and whether if i need it or not)

Anyway, i've fought the good fight, i've finished it with much difficulty, tears, trials and tribulations. And now is the time for some enjoyment and some psychological therapy. Hair.... and the next on my item is a new bag. I hasn't really got a nice bag since..... October, and i want a nice, and formal bag that i can use. I was shopping on Monday at FE Plaza, with the intention to get a bag, but failed until i was about to go back home, when i struck gold.

It's really nice and it's really cheap at $26.90. And it's stylo-milo and it's not a very common looking bag. NICE!!!

As u guys know that i'm currently very into JC Boxercise. And i went for it again yesterday, enjoyed it tremendously. Yesterday's session was of a rather different flow. My thighs didn't feel the same, but was still quite ok for my arms. And since i'm going to do this every tuesday (I WANT!!), i wanted to invest in a handwrap, which is something that u know..... Thai boxers use it to wrap around their knuckles to protect them. And not only that, i can use it for Bodycombat too. It's a worthy investment lah.

I bought this from California Fitness Bar at Bugis. Cost at $16.95. If u are a member of California Fitness, Jackie Chan sports club, u can get it from your friendly Juice Bar. Anyway, handwraps are not totally uncommon. Well, there's the brand Everlast, but i'm not sure if it's found in Singapore here. So just buy it, if u need it.

I tell u, i was trying out on how to tie it, and it's not easy ok!! So i've searched some websites to find other ways of binding the handwraps. And i've consolidated one method copied from one of the websites (will show the link below)

1) Spread your fingers with palm facing down. Place thumb through the loop of the handwrap

2) Wrap around your wrist 2 or 3 times, depending on the size of your hand.

3) Bring wrap over the top of the thumb and then the wrist. Do it 3x

4) Bring the wrap down and across the palm

5) Wrap around the knuckles 2x

6) After coming around the wrist, bring over the top of the thumb. This will form a FIGURE 8 pattern

7) Wrap between the index and middle fingers. (Outside in)

8) Back around the top of the thumb

9) Between the middle and ring fingers. Bring the wrap back over the top of the thumb.

10) Between the ring and pinky fingers.

11) Back over the top of the thumb.

12) Now wrap around the knuckles 2 to 3x

13) Bringing the wraps up and around the wrist.

14) Bringing around the wrist

15) Continue to wrap around the wrist and secure the velcro

A picture speaks of a thousand words. To have more methods to assist in understanding how to tie it, refer to This website will show 5 different methods. It comes with picture and explanation.

Up coming purchase
Well, i've already decided that next month, it will be my new SE W850i that is going to come. And...... the infuriating thing is, M1 IS NOT GIVING ME ANY VOUCHER!!!! Grrrrr.... to think that i've stayed faithfully with M1 since i got my first phone. And my current number is retained since... 2001. So anybody reading here from M1, can u justify why a loyal customer is (me) is not given anything...... it's 6 long years. Hmmm.... If not for the hassle of informing the whole world that i've changed number, i will have switched. So much for being a loyal customer!! :(

I'm thinking of not upgrading my plan and just get the phone. Because whatever it is, I MUST CHANGE PHONE!!! 02 is driving me nuttier every single day. I don't want to become gila because i get too pissed with the phone. Waiting patiently for my new phone.

To M1, think u should re-evaluate how u should be rewarding loyal customers. The same for Singtel (This is for Ms C; she was with this telco for 6 long years, and she got NOTHING), and Starhub. Though i've never used the latters' services, but there's a possibility in the near future. I am sure there are many consumers like me (maybe not that many that will stay for 6 years and above.... they will leave after the 4th year) who doesn't feedback and just take it as that. I SERIOUSLY think it's not fair to me (and many others who keeps silent), AT ALL!

Lol... i've crapped enough, but i really genuinely felt that i should be given something. I'm not gian peng or anything. I will still buy the phone with or without the voucher, anyway! But my parents they at least got like a $100 voucher, but that was like a eons back. And they are still with M1. I think my dad at least deserve a good voucher since he's of a higher end plan.

One last thing: The pictures for the purchases is still made using the O2 phone.... Think these are going to be ones of the last few, before i get my new phone with 2 Megapixels. Clearer pictures are coming!!! That's a happy thought. :)

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