Yahyahyah... i'm very calculative where the days are concerned. Going to the Big 3 is just a matter of 365 x 2 + 1 = 732 days!!!
Wha biang eh!!!
Anyway, whichever age we are at, we love getting presents for our birthdays. Besides Christmas, birthday is the time where you can get presents. And, everyone loves presents (if u don't, u can give it to me, i'll gladly receive it from u).

Got a bag from CG. Beautiful bag, and a shape that i didn't have. It has the 'Charles and Keith' feel. I Love it!!!

Personal gifts from Christal (Aqua Lily Body Mist and peppermint lip gloss) and my partner-in-crime-for-invading-Bodyshop-Stuff Michelle!! Thanks Gals!! I Love BodyShop a lot a lot a lot!!
I like the way the how blinky the coin pouch from Mic is :)

Cupboard from Mommy!! U know lah, i have soooooo many stuff, so Mommy bought me a cupboard with 5 doors. I love you Mommy!! Without u, there won't be me, let alone me celebrating my birthday. Even though u don't like the idea of me going to SOT, but i know that u worry most that i don't have enough. Mummy, i will work hard during SOT and at work and make sure i won't be in lack. I love you!

Precious Moments figurine from Chorus Board. Sarah said I looked like the gal. (Sweet looking, pretty)..... Muahahaha okok she didn't say that la. I know, i'm so Buay Hiau Bai. Lol.
3 birthday cards, The left is from Christal, Right is from Michelle.
I have to say something about the one in the center; it's from my leader, who's currently in KL for mission trip. She didn't managed to come for the cg farewell-cum-birthday-outing on Friday. So i got a pleasant surprise when i received a card, thinking it was from Church, but it was from Karen. Oooh. And she even sent it out. :)
Thanks everyone!! U've made my day.
Counting down :
- 2 days to 28 years old.
- 213 days to SOT 2009 (counting down liao... hahaha... it's not that far away, u know?)
-732 days to 30 years old (whatever happened to 29....)