Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Blog Poll: New Banner

I was about to just log off and sleep, when it sudden hit me that i need a new blog banner, which i've been procrastinating about since....... last year!

It's not easy to churg out a banner just like that, since i'm not web designer material, i know nuts about Adobe Photoshop (except that it's something to help in design, duh!), and the only thing i use to do up the banner is lotsa MS Office, Paint, Prtsc-Paste-format-edit-watermark.

So in my half-falling asleep state of mind, i did up this banner.

It's all about... ME! =)

Now, i wanna know what u think about this banner. On the right side on this blog, you will see a poll. Let me know what u think, because i'm rather curious whether if this is a better banner compared to my previous one.

(Ps: I'm playing around a bit more on blogger's functions. And i believe that the votes are publicly declared after the poll closes. I'm open to hear how my quarter-past-six banner making skills are. Hehehe....)

OK, end of my commercial break. Back to my goal setting entries!

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