Sunday, February 12, 2012

In summary of my 2011 goals…. and my 2012 goals in a nutshell

I remembered setting my goals for 2011 at the strike of the new year to 2011. And sad to say that i wasn’t that diligent to look back at the strike of 2012. But nevertheless, this is it! :)

And yes, i wanna continue on blogging (though i think i tweet a lot a lot more….)

1) I wanna save $4,000
Well, technically, i’ve managed to hit that…. except when i decided to love myself by paying $1,600 for a IPL package, which is still ongoing. I guess, i’m at the age where i realized that i’ve been a lil too hard on myself, i need to love myself before i can love others/ others can love me.

Sounds technical.

2) More sneakaways
I’m proud to say that i’ve managed to sneak myself off to Batam with the Ameroid peeps for the first time, and then a 2nd time before i start my new work at MOHH. And a OTOT planned trip up to Malacca with Michelle. And a few other trips to JB. I hasn’t travelled out by plane yet……

3) Read the bible
4) And complete it
I managed to complete the New Testament and ‘My Devotion’ CD is testament to it. And maybe more than half of the Old Testament.

Technically, i didn’t complete it.:(

5) Lose 10kg
It didn’t happen. Even though i ran more in 2011.

6) Better Skin and appearance
I spent at least $100 every time i step into Swanston at Chinatown…. i get better cosmetics, but the sad thing is my skin is still quite dry (and peeling). It comes with aging i guess. :/

7) Better time management
I guess i did pretty well here. Managed to run more and do more stuff. But i take more cab (and spent more money travelling)

8) Effectiveness in Ministry
What i can say is No one becomes a leader overnight. Every leader would have to go through molding to get there. I’m not there yet, but am still in the process of molding.

9) 4 (or more) Major runs
I’m giving myself an A* for it! Cos i did:

Sundown Marathon 21KM
b) Shape Run 10km
c) Adidas King of the Road 16.8km
d) Singapore Half Marathon 21km
e) Nike City 10km run

10) Better relationships
I will have to say that i’ve stepped out of my relationship with W74, as well as WYZ zone, through a decision. In the year of 2011, i’ve decided that i’m stagnant and this stagnant-ness is too much of a concern for me. And by the grace of God, i’ve managed to visit and ended up becoming a part of that cg which i’m really glad to be in. =)

And well, i’m still single and available. hurhur.

11) Enjoying life to the max
I’m busy being happy and happy being busy.


As people get older, they get a lil frustrated over goals-setting as it seems that they are just putting on paper, but getting there seems to be like an Ironman race.

But it’s still important to me, and i want to document it down and at the end of the year, i will wanna look back and tell myself that i’ve achieved what i’ve set to do. In a nutshell:

1) Reaching a saving of $5,000 above and beyond what i’m spending on.
2) Clocking 100km in terms of running events.

Confirmed races include: 
a) U Run 10km + 34 storey climb
b) 2XU 10km
c) Run 350 21km

TBC races:
a) Shape Run
b) Jurong Lake Run
c) PAssion Run 10km/25km
d) Adidas KOTR 16.8km
e) Nike City 10km
f) GE Woman 10km
g) Singapore Bay Run/Army Half Marathon
h) Singapore Marathon 21km

3) Getting attached (since i recognized that i’m no longer younger, thou i’m still quite young at early thirties)
4) Loving myself more by getting some wants (i.e iPad 3, MBP…) and not just getting because i need it.
5) Lose 5kg this year (i reckon that 10kg is a lil too far-fetched since i failed every other year)
6) Bringing my 2 darlings’ home this year
7) Travelling out to at least 2 countries this year (by plane please :) )
8) Be healthier (lesser stomach problems, less monthly problems)
9) Have better appearance this year (more skin care, better nail painting skills, better dress sense)
10) Write more (of course i’m talking about blogging, not tweeting!)
11) Building better relationships with people around me (including my ministry leaders and my cgl and my cg members!!!)

Well, this sums up my goals for 2012. Working towards achieving them!! :)

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